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Dropchat Platform for Conversational AI

Dropchat is trusted by individuals and businesses who want to leverage AI to learn and share information through conversation.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Try Dropchat for free. Upgrade to a paid plan and if you're not happy, we'll give you a full refund.

Faster Customer Service

Reduce average time required by website visitors to find answers to their questions vs. live agent chat solutions.

AI Agents Work While You Sleep

Avoid managing live agent schedules for business and non-business hours and scale instantly.

Dropchat Platform

The Dropchat Platform leverages Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), which connects LLMs to an external data source. These data sources provide current and context-specific information, enhancing the LLM's ability to generate more accurate responses.

Dropchat Platform

Dropchat Platform

The Dropchat Platform leverages Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), which connects LLMs to an external data source. These data sources provide current and context-specific information, enhancing the LLM's ability to generate more accurate responses.

Cloud Based SaaS

Cloud-Based SaaS

The Dropchat Platform combines key technologies like GPT-4, embedding models, and a vector database into a user-friendly, no-code environment. This approach significantly enriches the capabilities of LLMs, making them more relevant and informed for specific tasks and queries.

Integration with any content management system (CMS)

Dropchat makes it super easy to add chatbots to your website. Just copy and paste a small piece of JavaScript code into website header or footer, and you're all set. These chatbots can chat with your visitors, making your site more interactive and helpful.
  • hubspot
  • notion
  • wordpress
  • webflow
  • joomla
  • framer
  • wix
  • drupal
  • contentful
  • shopify
  • squarespace
  • bubble

Dropchat Features

Dropchat lets you create a chatbot trained on your website, PDF files, YouTube videos, and more.

Website Chatbot

Website Chatbots

AI-powered website chatbots are software applications that use artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to simulate human-like conversations with website visitors.

These chatbots are typically embedded on websites and serve various purposes, such as customer support, lead generation, sales, or providing information.

Video/YouTube Chatbots

Video/YouTube Chatbots

Chatbots trained on YouTube videos are AI-powered conversational agents that have been specifically trained using text data extracted from YouTube video transcripts, video descriptions, and comments.

These chatbots are designed to understand and respond to user queries related to the content found on YouTube, even if the content is primarily video-based.

Chat Bubble

Chat Bubble

A chat bubble is an interface element on a website or app that signifies the presence of live chat functionality. AI enables customer support through chatbots embedded in these bubbles.

These chatbots use natural language processing and automation to engage with users, respond to their inquiries, offer information, troubleshoot common issues, and even escalate complex problems to human agents, providing efficient and accessible customer support 24/7.

PDF Chatbots

PDF Chatbots

Chatbots trained on PDFs are AI chatbots that have been specifically trained on text data extracted from PDF documents.

These chatbots are designed to understand and respond to user queries related to the content found within PDF files.